Subject Files
We have a complete listing of these files with cross-referencing plus a thesaurus to help you locate information related to your interest.

Our 1,569 fascinating Subject Files fill the drawers of four five-drawer horizontal file cabinets plus overflow boxes. Think of these files as “Lesbians and…”. The first file is “Abortion” and the last is “Youth.” In between are such topics as:
- “African-Ancestral Lesbians,”
- “Bars,”
- “Health Care,”
- “Marriage,”
- “Music Festivals,”
- “Publishers,”
- “Religion,”
- “Theatre,” and
- “Violence.”
We have a complete listing of these files with cross-referencing plus a thesaurus to help you locate information related to your interest.
Each file contains an assortment of papers—flyers, legal briefs, photocopies of newspaper articles, copies of the table of contents of books, event programs, and so on. When a particular topic, for example, “Theatre,” has a large number of file folders that are full to the brim, we move the overflow to large boxes stored upstairs. Subject files give you a good introduction to and overview of a topic and point you toward other parts of the Archives’ collections if you want more depth.
Digital Resources
In 2004, our subject files were microfilmed. We now hold a copy of the set of 175 microfilm reels, as well as a digitized version that we will be able to use to create exhibits on our website. In addition, the set of 175 reels is now available for purchase, and we will receive royalties for each set sold. You may also be able to access the microfilm and/or the digitized version through your local library system and/or university—check with your librarian. You can link to Gale’s description of the collection here:
It is also possible to access this digitized version of the collection from within the LHA building.